16 Nov Good Design
Do you ever see good design and it makes you stop and appreciate it? I do.
And often, it’s super simple and to the point. While biking on my favorite loop the other day, I actually noticed a political sign. We all see them, usually monotone and lacking design or good use of a font. Let’s face it, people drive by fast and have a couple seconds to register what’s on the sign. Who’s concerned about the actual design of those lawn signs?
But some signs can still communicate the message, provide stopping power and affectively use design to burn images into one’s mind. Tommy Thompson’s campaign sign did that for me. It was simple, clever and distinctive from any other campaign signs I’ve seen. It simply said “TOM” “MY” “Senator” and an icon of the state of Wisconsin. Good font choices, good use of color, and just enough cleverness to remember.
Well designed!